Mountain Walks for Novice Walkers
Walking Snowdon

If you are moderately fit, climbing Snowdon is definitely within your reach. Snowdon is probably the friendliest of the mountains in Wales as there is a cafe at the top in the summer months (note: Cafe only open when the trains are running). If you don't want to walk, trains (steam and diesel) run from mid May to the end of October. There are six main routes to the summit:  Watkin Path, Llanberis Path, Pyg Track, Miners' Track, Snowdon Ranger Path and the Beddegelert Path/Rhyd Ddu​

Times and length of walks up Mount Snowdon You will be spending about 6 hours or more walking up and down Snowdon, and depending on the path you follow, will be covering between 7 and 10 miles. The Watkins path is the hardest, as on this route you will also be ascending 3,300 ft of the total 3,560 ft of the mass of Snowdon - starting only a couple of hundred feet above sea level. The Pyg and Miners tracks for comparison, start at 1,170 ft up, so although they are of similar length to the Watkins path, are less strenuous overall (although they also do have very steep parts).

Quick Summary The Watkin Path - 3 1/2 miles long and the hardest walk starting at Pont Bethania Car Park postcode LL55 4NL.

Llanberis Path - 5 miles long and the easier walk starting at Victoria Terrace about 150 metres from the Snowdon Mountain Railway Station, postcode LL55 4TT

Pyg Track - 3 1/4 miles long and a good route to take. Miners Track starts at the same place and is 3 3/4 miles long, and is easy for the first part but then more difficult. Both these tracks start at the Pen-y-Pass Car Park, postcode LL55 4NY.

Snowdon Ranger Track - 3 3/4 miles long and an easier route starting at the Llyn Cwellyn Car Park near the hostel. Postcode LL54 7YS.

Beddgelert Path/Rhyd Ddu Path - 3 3/4 miles and one of the easiest but least walked starting at the car park adjacent to the Rhyd Ddu West Highland Railway Station, postcode LL54 6TN

Crib Goch - 4 miles. Very hard route should not be attempted by novice walkers. The path starts at the Pen-y-Pass Car Park along with the Pyg and Miners Tracks - postcode LL55 4NY

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